It’s not just professional athletes that need a good massage to perform at the top of their game. Even our kids competing in Little Athletics can benefit from massage focused on their individual sport.
Sports Massage is very similar to Remedial Massage and utilises the same concepts. Where Sports Massage differs is that together, we will ensure that you learn the proper warm up and cool down stretching that will aid your exact muscle groups for your chosen sport.
Over the last 18 years, I’ve worked with various sporting enthusiasts and we’ve been able structure a program that helps you build up to specific events or seasons, so you are at your peak when competing. Some of the clients that I’ve helped including weight lifting, runners, football and soccer, marathon runners, triatheletes, Spartan competitors and cyclits to name a few.
They have found that working with me with even just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to their performance in their competitive environments. I honestly love working with my clients and helping them achieve their best in their competition.
If you are into sport at any level, and would like to know more about how you can succeed, then please give me a call. Depending on the type of massage technique we employ, it might be covered under Remedial Massage and therefore claimable under all Australian health funds. From my clinic in the Norwest region, I can help you.
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Give me a call and we can discuss building a program to suit you and your requirements.